The Best Storage Stratgies

Vital Measures For Safely Preserving Your Electronics In Long-Term Storage

by Elaine Johnson

Technology has pervaded virtually all aspects of daily life. From the moment you get up in the morning to the moment you fall asleep, you will have likely interacted with a multitude of electronic devices to get your news, get work done, get entertained and more! Technology is also constantly evolving. And while this means that gadgets are getting smarter, it means that you are accumulating a considerable amount of devices in your home, which is probably taking up a substantial amount of space.

If your electronic equipment is still functional and you are not ready to have it recycled, you should put it into storage to free up floor space in your home. However, this has to be done properly if the electronics are to remain functional until you need them next. To help you do this the correct way, here are vital measures for safely preserving your electronics in long-term storage.

Step 1: Back up everything

Even while your electronics will not be in use when in storage, it is best to save all your data to ensure that if a catastrophe happens you can still access your files. This back up can be done in an external hard drive and keep this in a safe spot for you to easily retrieve data when you need it. While backing up data can take a long time, you should consider that some information is irreplaceable such as personal videos, family pictures, and so on

Step 2: Segregate removable parts

A good number of electronic devices comprise a main unit and complementary parts attached to it, for example, a computer. To make the process of storing these types of equipment easier, segregate all the parts that are removable and categorise them as needed. For example, all cables should be labelled and grouped. Other individual bits that can be removed and categorized include DVDs, hard drives, keyboards and more. Do not forget to label the boxes containing these parts or easy retrieval.

Step 3: Clean thoroughly and use protective covers

Like all other items that go into long-term storage, your electronics need a thorough cleaning. But since moisture can damage these gadgets, it is best to use specially designed air dusters that vacuum out the dust from electronics. If you do not have one, it is advisable to seek professional cleaning to ensure even hard to access spots are attended to. This is a small price to pay when compared to leaving the grime in place, which could lead to damage. Once pristine, use cotton covers specifically designed for the storage of electronic goods, as plastic facilitates the formation of condensation and this will cause moisture damage.
